Tray for Thought by NIEC-NP Diploma in Early Childhood Education

Main Aims

  • To spread awareness and encourage children to return their own trays after every meal.
  • To instil a sense of self-discipline and the knowledge of returning trays.

Target Audience

Preschoolers from PCF Sparkletots at Boon Lay Block 262

Seed Kindness Fund Island Seed Kindness Fund people on island

Project Methodology

  • Carnival like event
  • Posters on class notice to raise awareness on the event; teachers to help spread the word.
  • Use of short interactive skits to bring out real life scenarios.
  • Incorporated the use of games to allow the children to practise the process of tray returning.
  • Discussion with children to educate them on the importance of tray return.
  • Encouraged children’s participation by gifting them with a customized sticker.

21st May - 2nd June: Planning

7th June: Presentation of proposal

9th June: Planning and venue recce

25th June: Project dry run

2nd July: Project execution

Outcomes of Project

  • Team managed to work with over 30 children (4-6 years old).
  • Children were all actively involved in the campaign and enjoyed themselves.