VOKinclusion Carnival 2019 by NTU Welfare Services Club

Main Aims

  • A call to action through emotional and compassionate empathy.
  • To provide a platform for job advisory, search and support for the students.
  • Provide an avenue for participants to overcome their mental and physical limits, encouraging participants to look beyond one another's imperfections.
  • Create opportunities for interaction between invited service users and general public to create a more inclusive society.

Target Audience

People with Disabilities from various special needs schools and Voluntary Welfare Organisations as service users

Seed Kindness Fund Island Seed Kindness Fund people on island

Project Methodology

  • One-day vocational training carnival that allowed service users to explore and learn about the different career paths open for employment in the future. Helped service users build confidence and inspire them to have aspirations.
  • Carnival featured: 7 vocational training stations, station games and performances by students of Singapore Fashion Runway.

Dec 2018: Pre-event planning (ideation, processing of resources)

Jan 2019-Apr 2019: Planning stages (contacting relevant authorities, proposal writing)

6th April 2019: Hearty pack distribution

25th May 2019: Volunteer attachment programme

1st June 2019: VOKinclusion 2019

Outcomes of Project

Reached out to 113 service users through VOKinclusion